Begin your sustainable living journey
If you’re looking to make your home more sustainable, start with these small changes.
1. Change the lightbulbs in your house to LED Bulbs. They’ll save you money on your electric bill and last longer than traditional bulbs.
2. Get rid of toxic cleaning chemicals and replace them with natural cleaning products.
3. Choose more recycled wood to reduce the amount of ecoli (strange smelling gas) in your home.
4. If you have two bathrooms, consolidate space so you can use one sink and one toilet.
5. Install bookshelves, high knobs and floating shelves to improve the look and feel of your home.
6. Use pipe and line treatments on your exterior walls to create shade and prevent indoor air pollution.
7. Don’t believe claims that ‘green paint’ or ‘carbon neutral’ products actually are green.
8. Revisit your bathroom’s showerheads to ensure they’ll last longer and save water by reducing evaporation. You may have to clean them every now. Always follow the manufacturer’s cleaning instructions. Whether you’re looking to save money on your COVID-19 routine or boost your peace of mind when you lock your front door, green living is a smart choice for a healthy, sustainable home.